Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Landscaping and Bathroom Remodeling

There's a Hurricane over in Florida and although it's too far away to affect me, I'm getting rain anyhow. And that's a welcome thing because the ground has been far too dry.

Removing a Tree Stump

The wet ground will make it easier to remove a tree stump in my yard. I've got other landscaping chores to do as well - if I can make the time. My neighbor is a real champ at working in her yard so it makes me look pretty bad by comparison.

Bathroom Remodeling

I'm still finishing up my bathroom remodel, but at least the end is in sight. The knockdown drywall texture I put on the walls and the blue color of paint that my daughter picked out came out looking pretty flashy, if I do say so myself.

What's left? Towel racks, baseboard, and door trim. At some point I'll change out the light fixture but it's fairly low on the to-do list.

Not too long ago I wrote an article on monorail pendant lights that has proven very popular. Perhaps I'll go that route. Light fixtures are like mattresses and plumbing fixtures, the sales mark-up are way out of line.

I guess I'm in the wrong business. Nah, writing is too much fun.

Kelly Smith

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