Thursday, November 29, 2007

Merry Christmas, Folks!

Here comes Christmas! Halloween and Thanksgiving were great but Christmas is my favorite holiday. There are many reasons for this - hanging out with the family, great grub, and exchanging gifts with the family and friends.

Christmas in Panama

But unlike most of you, I don't associate Christmas, or winter for that matter, with the cold and snow. Although born in Texas, I grew up in Panama. Christmas day was usually hovering around 90 degrees. And, coming at the end of the rainy season and beginning of the dry season, morning precipitation was somewhat iffy.

DIY Christmas Articles for You

But I digress. I wanted to talk about all the great things you can do for Christmas with your family. Over at Suite101 where I'm the Home Renovation and Repair Feature Writer, I've put up a few holiday DIY articles lately. (Yes, there are some good "hint" articles to show the significant other if you're lusting for new tools as Christmas presents!)

Christmas and Holiday Articles of all Stripes

But, I'm not the only writer who's ponied up some killer Christmas and holiday related articles. The Feature Writer for Crafts offered to take on the gargantuan task of organizing the links to these articles. They come from a vast array of writer's specialties. You can get the details at my latest DIY blog there.

So, let me leave you with these thoughts as we approach Christmas and Chanukah - focus on your family, do something for the troops, and stuff some cash in the Salvation Army bell-ringer's bucket.

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