I say area because it was a combination desk, credenza, and one one of those elevated counters where the patients sign in. I don't know what the heck the official name is for a piece of furniture like that is, but it was fun to design and build.
I framed up the solid part of it and covered it with gleaming white plastic laminate (I know, everyone calls it Formica generically, but that's really a brand name).
It was my first major job building a Formica countertop, but it's an easier project than you might think.
The key is that you have to proceed carefully; contact cement is not forgiving. It has zero open time, unlike other types of woodworking glues.
Do you need a lot of woodworking tools? Nah. But, if it involves wood, Rockler has the tool! Basically, you just need a router, table saw (or circular saw), J-roller, and a flat wood file.
DIY Projects You Can Do with Formica
The number of projects is really only limited by your imagination. Check this out:
- Refinishing kitchen counters
- Updating bath vanities
- A friend of mine in Miami did the inside of his boat's cabin
- Covering a coffee table
- Making a smooth work bench top for your wood shop or arts and crafts work area
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